Love Thyself
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, normally I would feel depressed on this designated day of “Love”, because it would always remind me, that I don’t have a partner, whom I can grow old with, or just be with, but now, at this present moment in my life, for the first time, I am fulfilled. Something shifted, or a lightbulb went off in my mind, that I have been my happiest, when I am alone. I have encountered, Peace, something that I am no longer willing to jeopardize for anyone. Being in relationships, require allot of sacrifice and commitment, and it’s not to say I am against Love, because I am not, simply that its easy to love someone, and loose yourself within that relationship. Being able to maintain a HEALTHY balance, is hard and this is reoccurring in all relationships. You must never LOVE so much, that you forget yourself, and your own personal journey in your life. You, always comes first, you must love yourself before you can love another. For now, I am in love with myself, and make myself the Happiest, I have ever been, so much so, that I have decided to honor myself by committing to myself 100%, and making a promise to always, prioritize and take care of my body and soul. On my birthday, I will embrace myself, and all that has made me, become, who I am, Nancy Mendez.